A Dialogue of Shape, Dimension, & Paint.
Just as the force of life, paint is surprisingly decisive.
It knows exactly what form it wishes to manifest.
Fine Art Paintings on Shaped Board
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Originals & Prints
Paintings are available as:
Originals • Fine Art Giclees • Plexi-Mounts • Canvas • Metal Prints • Non-Archival Prints

Self-Expression, individuality and joy exemplified for all to embrace and enjoy. Letting our blessings shine and greeting each day with a sense of gratitude and abundance. This is the Array of our lives and humanity expressed. The diversity of passion and intensity displayed.
The collection Allot explores the idea of yielding. What is life yielding to you? What do you allow in? And what are you yielding back into the world?

Life, seen from a different perspective.
What fuels you? How is your energy flowing? MoJo questions what we are doing with our energy and our attitude. Is our cup half full or half empty? Do you feel empowered or depleted? What is the relationship between your attitude and the quality of your energy? Where does one’s vitality, drive and dynamism come from and how is it sustained? Mojo reminds us that we get to choose how we see our cup and how we let our energy flow or cut it off.

A single snapshot of a moment among the many we all see in our lifetime, whether real or imagined.
Life comes at us. Events, impressions, emotions, expressions, experiences all affecting our lives. Beneath it all we remain connected. Connected to our true self, our humanity.

How do we see the world? What do we choose to see? What are we blind to?
Thoughts float, collide, appear and disappear like clouds floating by.
Impressions, inspiration, indications flash across our minds eye.
We are more than our thoughts.